% %We have tested Excalibur% on a large number of files, and it %works quite well. However, here are some things to consider if % Excalibur% does not seem to be doing its job. % %If there is a TeX and LaTeX way of doing things, Excalibur% %usually handles the LaTeX method better. For example, use %"\begin{center}\vbox{\input{file}
}\end{center}" instead of " =file". % %• Use the command instead of . For example, use %\ instead of \to produce a backslash. % %• Use the command change the length of something. %For example use instead of %. % %• Use or instead of " will confuse Excalibur%. % %• If you use …to delimit the bounds of an %equation, Excalibur% won't ignore it. Use

…% (1)
instead. % %• LaTeX will accept the command %despite the fact that the manual says to use % . That is, LaTeX doesn't insist on %the first set of braces. Excalibur% expects to see both sets of %braces. It will get confused if they are not present. We tried to %follow the manual as much as possible. % %• A word may not begin with a left curly brace, but it may %contain embedded curly braces. For example, Excalibur% will %recognize the word "naïve" when it is written as na&̈#305;ve, %naïve, or naïve but not naïve, even though %this last form is syntactically correct. Of course you will need %to put these in your dictionary if you would like Excalibur% %not to flag them as spelling errors. Note that a space may be %part of a word. % %• Excalibur% has a new color icon. If you have been using %version 1.0 of Excalibur%, rebuild the desktop after copying %this new version onto your machine. (Restart the computer and %hold down the command and option keys.) %